Aquaman 3 (2025) | First trailer | Jason Momoa

Aquaman 3’s trailer opens with an atmospheric view of Atlantis, sparkling under the surface of the ocean. A voiceover of Aquaman (Jason Momoa) introduces the issues: “The ocean is in turmoil. The old alliances will be put to the test and new threats will arise. The camera travels vibrant underwater landscapes, revealing the breathtaking beauty of the kingdom, now darken by an imminent crisis.

The story changes quickly to reveal the source of these disorders: a new powerful villain, known as Léviathan (interpreted by a formidable actor still to reveal), emerges from depths, seeking to exploit the old power of the ocean and to win back Atlantis. . Clonant scenes show the Leviathan joining an army of monstrous marine creatures, creating chaos both in the ocean and on earth.

We see Aquaman and Mera (Amber Heard) developing a strategy In the Royal Palace, their relationship reinforced by their common objective. Mera reveals that she is pregnant, adding emotional issues to their fight. As tensions go up, overviews of allies like Vulko and new characters, including powerful marine warriors, alludes to an epic confrontation. The trailer presents fierce training assemblies and sincere moments, stressing the link between Aquaman and its allies.

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