The sequel to the 2007 hit I Am Legend follows the alternate ending where Dr. Robert Neville (Will Smith) survives. Set decades after the events of the original, humanity remains on the brink of extinction. Neville, now older and haunted by his past, has found a small, thriving survivor community. Michael B. Jordan joins the cast as Ethan, a young leader from another settlement who seeks Neville’s help after a new, more intelligent strain of the Darkseekers emerges.
The trailer reveals stunning visuals of a world reclaimed by nature, with cities overrun by greenery and wildlife. The Darkseekers, now more organized and evolved, pose a greater threat. A chilling scene shows a Darkseeker horde assembling under a mysterious leader, suggesting they’re no longer mindless monsters.
Neville and Ethan embark on a dangerous mission to uncover the source of this new mutation. Along the way, they discover a potential cure hidden in Neville’s past research—but using it will require sacrifices neither man is prepared for.
The trailer ends with a tense standoff between Neville, Ethan, and the Darkseeker leader, teasing an epic showdown. Themes of survival, redemption, and the cost of hope take center stage in this action-packed sequel.