Real Estate Developer Booker Washington Is Set To Open A Black-Owned Micro Community With A Coffee Shop And Tech Lab

Booker Washington is making homeownership more accessible for urban communities.

He is the founder of Techie Homes, a real estate company that designs “smart micro-communities” in Atlanta, GA, priced below current market rates, according to its company website.

“Accessible homeownership is an issue in Atlanta,” he told Business Insider. “Our goal is to provide homes at a price point where mortgages are equal to or less than the cost of renting a one-bedroom apartment.”

While Washington subscribes to accessible homeownership, he makes it clear he does not want to label Techie Homes’ efforts as an affordable housing project.

“We change the way we view environments, and if we change the way we view environments, we’ll change the actual person and how they grow,” Washington explained in a video clip. “That’s the reason why I don’t adopt to affordable housing projects, because if you put people of all the same incomes in the same place, they will only see what that other person’s low income provided. So you have to have a mixture of community that does adopt for people in different income levels, because they need to experience life and examples of all types so they can grow up in balance.”

In 2023, Washington celebrated the grand opening of South Park Cottages, a community that included 29 micro homes priced between $190,000 and $230,000, significantly lower than the market rate of $431,250 at the time, Business Insider notes. Additionally, South Park Cottages became the first Black-owned micro-home community in Atlanta.

What’s more, this wasn’t its only achievement. All the homes were sold before even hitting the market.

“We celebrated the HISTORY we made…The goal is abundance in all forms and those goals are homeownership,” he expressed in a post shared on Instagram. “Those goals are a revitalized community, connectivity and connection. College Park accepted that challenge and our commitment to this community, and its leadership @mayor_bianca will be one that stands the test of time. Our accomplishments are only measured by the obstacles we overcome…I am happy. But, we have some much more to achieve, more communities to create and more HISTORY to write.”

Staying true to his vision, Union Park Cottages in Union City, GA, is the next project set to launch through Techie Homes. The project will include a technology lab as well as a coffee shop and eatery, and all residents will have an equity share in the coffee shop.

“Our goal is not just to build community but to elevate it. To allow the experiences of those not just in Union Park to enjoy innovation, but the community At Large,” the company said in a statement on Instagram. “But that’s not all- our homeowners will have equity share in the coffee shop making them owners of a retail space!! What an epic change to homeownership and wealth building. Literally, we are almost sold out. Don’t miss the remaining units and your chance to be part of history!!”

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