After years of relative peace, the elite G.I. Joe team is forced back into action when a mysterious global organization known as Vanguard emerges, threatening to destabilize the world order. Led by a brilliant but elusive leader, Vanguard deploys advanced technology, bio-enhanced soldiers, and an arsenal of experimental weaponry, far surpassing anything the Joes have encountered before.The film opens with Duke, now a seasoned veteran and leader of the Joes, retiring from active duty. However, his quiet life is shattered when a coordinated attack devastates key international military installations, leaving nations vulnerable. The Joes regroup under the command of Scarlett, now the acting field leader, to investigate the source of these strikes.
As the team uncovers clues, they learn Vanguard is not just another rogue organization but a conglomerate of former Cobra scientists, mercenaries, and military defectors united under a single vision: the creation of a world where only the strongest survive. Their leader, Kain Nexus, a former G.I. Joe ally-turned-enemy, wields a mysterious new technology capable of controlling global energy grids and satellites.The Joes recruit a new generation of operatives, including Jett, a fearless drone specialist, Echo, a multilingual cyber hacker, and Blaze, a combat engineer with an unpredictable streak. Together, they team up with veteran members like Roadblock, Snake Eyes, and Lady Jaye to mount a counteroffensive.
Undercover Mission: Scarlett and Snake Eyes infiltrate a secret Vanguard facility, discovering a devastating weapon codenamed “Eclipse.” This device can disable entire nations’ power supplies, plunging them into chaos.
Betrayal from Within: One of the Joes’ allies is revealed to be a double agent working for Kain Nexus, putting the team at a disadvantage and leading to a catastrophic ambush.
Duke’s Return: Reluctantly coming out of retirement, Duke takes charge in the final act, bringing his tactical expertise and rallying the team for the ultimate showdown.
Climactic Battle:The Joes launch an all-out assault on Vanguard’s floating fortress, a high-tech base hidden above the Arctic Circle. In a heart-pounding sequence, they navigate traps, engage in hand-to-hand combat, and race against time to stop “Eclipse” from being deployed. Snake Eyes faces off against a deadly bio-enhanced warrior, while Duke and Scarlett confront Kain Nexus in a tense battle of wits and combat.
The Joes succeed in dismantling Vanguard, but not without loss. The film ends with the team standing together, scarred but resolute, pledging to remain ever vigilant against emerging threats. A post-credits scene teases the return of Cobra Commander, watching the events unfold from the shadows, hinting at a greater danger looming on the horizon.