“Crawl 2” (2025) takes survival horror to new extremes, delivering a pulse-pounding sequel that intensifies the struggle against nature’s deadliest predators. Directed by Alexandre Aja, this follow-up builds on the terrifying premise of the original, plunging audiences into even more harrowing scenarios in a world overwhelmed by rising floodwaters and relentless predators.
When a catastrophic storm unleashes devastating floods across a coastal town, a group of survivors finds refuge in a high-rise building. However, the rising waters bring a new terror: the structure is overrun by ferocious alligators, lured by the chaos. The survivors, led by a brave new protagonist (played by a fresh ensemble cast), must navigate submerged corridors, crumbling infrastructure, and shadowy, waterlogged spaces. As the floodwaters rise and the predators close in, the group faces life-threatening decisions, battling not only the deadly reptiles but also their inner fears and moral dilemmas in a desperate bid for survival.