In Marvel’s White Tiger (2025), the first trailer introduces audiences to a darker and more mystical corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with Jenna Ortega portraying Ava Ayala, the formidable White Tiger. The trailer begins with Ava discovering the ancient White Tiger amulet, a powerful relic that bestows upon her extraordinary strength, agility, and heightened senses. As she steps into her role as a hero, Ava soon realizes the amulet comes with a dangerous history, one that threatens her life and the safety of those around her.
Ava’s journey becomes intertwined with Peter Parker (played by Tom Holland), who takes on the role of mentor and ally, guiding her through the challenges of entering the superhero world. The trailer hints at a growing partnership between them as they face off against a new threat in New York—an elusive underground crime syndicate connected to ancient magic and martial arts. As Ava digs deeper into the secrets of the amulet, she uncovers a sinister force that could destabilize not only her world but also the mystical realms tied to it.
While struggling to control the White Tiger’s immense powers, Ava grapples with her family’s legacy and the immense responsibility that comes with carrying a title passed down through generations. Each fight scene highlights her growth as she balances her personal life with the weight of being a superhero.
As she confronts powerful enemies, Ava learns to rely not only on her abilities but also on her connection with Peter and the ancient wisdom of her ancestors. The trailer concludes with a powerful line from Ava: “This isn’t just power; it’s a responsibility,” setting the stage for a thrilling Marvel story that blends mysticism, action, and legacy.