“Thor 5: The Legend of Hercules” (2025) is an upcoming Marvel superhero film that combines Norse mythology with the legend of Hercules. In this sequel to the Thor series, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) faces a new challenge when the powerful demigod Hercules (played by a yet-to-be-cast actor) arrives in Asgard seeking revenge for an ancient grudge.
As Hercules challenges Thor’s strength and legacy, a fierce battle ensues between the two demigods, testing their powers and honor. The film delves into their complex relationship and the clash of two mythological worlds—Norse and Greek—each with its own traditions, gods, and heroes.
“Thor 5” combines epic action, mythology, and deep character exploration as Thor and Hercules confront their pasts and face a new, cosmic threat that could change the balance of power across the realms. The film promises to be a thrilling adventure filled with larger-than-life battles, unexpected alliances, and a deeper understanding of the gods’ place in the universe.