Mom-Daughter Duo Make History With Fastest-Growing Black-Owned Virtual Assistant Company

Meet Starr Barrett and her 20-year-old daughter, Essynce, the founders of Essynce Virtual Assistants (EVA), a Black-owned virtual administrative support service designed to help other small businesses. Starr is a business graduate with over 20 years of experience in corporate administration, and Essynce is a talented serial entrepreneur and VP of Youth Development.

Their company and its team of partners offer a range of services, including but not limited to calendar and travel management, phone answering, bookkeeping, document preparation, presentation creation, business operation management, chief of staff tasks, property management, and much more for small/medium businesses, high-profile clients (celebrities/influencers), and non-profit organizations nationwide. With some team members available 24/7, EVA is committed to providing convenient and reliable support to its clients.

Starr comments, “At Essynce Virtual Assistants, we are a mother-daughter team dedicated to helping businesses evolve through our wide range of virtual administrative support services. As a business graduate with over 20 years of experience in corporate administration, I am thrilled to be able to bring my expertise to the virtual assistant industry and work with my talented daughter, Essynce Moore, VP of Youth Development, to provide personalized solutions to our clients’ needs. Our team is honored to operate as your virtual or personal assistant, saving you both money and time. Our goal is to instill a sense of pride in our customers through our high-quality services, and to be a valuable partner as you evolve your business. Together, we can make things happen with emotion and care.”

In addition to traditional virtual assistant services, EVA also offers virtual office administration and one-time project support. “At EVA, we are honored to operate as your virtual or personal assistant, saving you both money and time,” says Starr. “We understand that time is of the essence, and strive to provide enthusiasm, uniqueness, and creativity to every assignment or event we execute.”

With a focus on making things happen “with emotion and care, EVA aims to instill a sense of pride in its customers through its high-quality services. Essynce adds, “We bring a fresh perspective and passion for style and creativity to the virtual assistant industry, and work with clients to find personalized solutions to their needs.”

EVA has established relationships with a variety of vendors and partners, and is always interested in building new partnerships to expand its services. They offer the perfect formula for all lifestyle needs.

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