Simone Biles And Barefoot Wine Team Up For Game Day Promotion

NFL and gymnastics fans have a chance to win a game day experience from Barefoot Wine to hang out with Simone Biles to cheer on her husband, Bear Jonathan Owens.

Simone Biles toasts with two of her favorite Barefoot Wine offerings, Pinot Grigio and Pink Moscato.


The official wine sponsor of the NFL is teaming up with the GOAT.

Last year, Barefoot Wine teamed up with Donna Kelce, perhaps the most famous NFL mom, for promotions. This year, Barefoot Wine is teaming up with the most award-winning NFL wife, Simone Biles, who is considered the greatest of all time when it comes to gymnastics, with her 11 Olympic medals and 30 World Championship medals.

As the official wine sponsor of the NFL, Barefoot is launching a contest offering fans a chance at an exclusive, once-in-a-lifetime experience to watch the Green Bay vs. Chicago rivalry game on November 17 with Biles. One lucky fan and their three friends will get the opportunity to enjoy the NFL WAG, or wives and girlfriends, game day experience alongside Biles.

Launched today on Barefoot’s Instagram channel @barefootwine, the contest is open to all NFL fans. regardless of team allegiance or their knowledge of the sport. “Right now, NFL wives and girlfriends, aka WAGs, are at the center of NFL culture,” says Stephanie Gallo, chief marketing officer for GALLO, which owns Barefoot Wine. “Their unique personalities and points of view allow them to deepen the connection between the game and emerging NFL fans. We created the Barefoot BandWAGon with this perspective in mind.”

“Right now, NFL wives and girlfriends, aka WAGs, are at the center of NFL culture,” says Stephanie Gallo, chief marketing officer for GALLO, which owns Barefoot Wine. “Their unique personalities and points of view allow them to deepen the connection between the game and emerging NFL fans.”

To enter the contest, fans can visit @barefootwine on Instagram to leave a comment about why they want to win the Barefoot ‘BandWAGon Box’ gameday experience with Simone. Enter between now and 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on October 31, 2024 for a chance to win.

“We were very pleased with the response we received last year from our Barefoot Bandwagon Box contest with Donna Kelce,” Gallo says. “We are excited to continue to support and inspire emerging fans this season with Simone leading our BandWAGon game day experience.”

The experience with Biles includes pregame sideline access to watching the game from Barefoot’s ‘BandWAGon Box’ suite. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience game day, watch football and enjoy wine with Simone Biles,” Gallo says.

The idea to connect with Biles was natural, she says. “Barefoot is America’s most awarded wine brand,” Gallo says. “It just makes sense that we’d want to team up with Simone Biles, one of the most awarded athletes of all time. She brings excitement and interest to the game, making her an ideal ‘WAG’ to partner with this season.”

Biles, considered the most decorated gymnast in history, is married to Jonathan Owens, who is a safety for the Chicago Bears, but he played for the Packers last year. The Packers versus Bears is a storied rivalry in the NFL.

“Simone also has an intriguing personal connection to the game we’re activating, Green Bay at Chicago on November 17, as her husband, who plays for the Chicago Bears, is matching up against his former team, the Green Bay Packers,” Gallo says.

Biles is a longtime fan of Barefoot, Gallo says. “ On game days, her favorites include Barefoot Pinot Grigio and Barefoot Pink Moscato,” she says. “Her Instagram bio says she’s a “mimosa lover,” so we know she’s also a fan of our Barefoot Bubbly.”

Gallo says she expects fans to be quite excited about this promotion. “Between the excitement of one of the NFL’s most heated rivalries, Green Bay at Chicago, and watching alongside one of the most decorated athletes of all time while getting an insider’s view of the NFL WAG life, this is truly a unique, once-in-a lifetime experience,” Gallo says.

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