Simone Biles’ First Words for Australian Breakdancing Sensation Raygun Revealed

Raygun captured the spotlight with her viral routine in Paris, showcasing playful, kangaroo-inspired moves and an eye-catching rolling performance across the floor. Despite enduring a barrage of online trolling and becoming the subject of countless memes, the spirited breakdancer is now receiving unexpected support from none other than the gymnastics GOAT herself!

In a fun video shared by Netflix on X, the iconic Simone Biles jumped in on the whole meme craze surrounding Olympians from the Paris Olympics. The post was titled, “Simone Biles gives her official statement on a few 2024 Olympians who turned into memes (herself included!)” In it, she reacted to Raygun’s viral moment, where the breakdancer rolled across the floor in her signature style.

Simone hyped up Raygun with enthusiasm, saying, “Raygun girl. Raygun girl. She made breakdancing popular. Everybody was watching you, girl! Everyone that’s at the Olympics is the best in their country at what they do, no matter if we agree or not. So go, Raygun!”

Simone’s words were all about celebrating the talent and spirit of the games, reminding everyone that every athlete has their moment to shine.And while Simone Biles dives into meme reactions, let’s not forget she was also a star at the Paris Olympics, becoming a meme herself!

Simone Biles becomes a meme! 

Oh, you heard it right! During the Paris Olympics 2024, Simone Biles found herself in the heart of the meme madness! Imagine this: the gymnastics superstar was just chilling on the gym floor, stretching and chatting, when out of nowhere, she pulled off an epic head turn. It was as if she had a sixth sense, knowing the camera was on her! With one smooth motion, she locked eyes with the lens, and that fierce “death stare” blew up on social media. Fans couldn’t get enough of comparing her intense look to a stern librarian shushing noisy kids—it was absolutely hilarious!

Once the Paris Games wrapped up, Simone embraced the meme fun and decided to make the most of her viral fame. Joining forces with Netflix, she created a series of laugh-out-loud head-turn videos that had everyone in stitches. Picture her going about her daily life, only to spin around and serve that iconic look once again, this time with cheeky captions like “When somebody mentions women’s sports” or “The vault when it sees her coming.” These playful snippets were a total delight!


In the video, Biles absolutely nailed that classic “eerie stare,” giving everyone a glimpse into her thoughts without uttering a single word. But it was her hilarious take on “The Vault when it sees her coming” that really stole the spotlight, perfectly blending her humor with those boss vibes we all adore. She even joked that she could do it “all the time,” sending her fans into a total frenzy! This video has taken off, racking up over a million views on X, proving that her playful side is just as beloved as her incredible gymnastics skills!

And in the Netflix video, she even reacted to her own meme fame! Watching herself go viral, she quipped, “Yeah, I’m not really sure why this went viral, but people loved it. I truly have no idea because there were no cameras anywhere, but the guys were across from our warm-up gym, so I truly think that they must have been going ballistic, and that’s the reason why I turned. That’s it, I have no explanation; I have no idea what that was or why I did it.” 

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