SUITS Season 10 Teaser (2024) With Patrick J. Adams & Gabriel Macht

Suits is an American legal drama television series created and written by Aaron Korsh. It premiered on USA Network on June 23, 2011, produced by Universal Content Productions. Set at a fictional New York City corporate law firm, it follows Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams), who uses his photographic memory to talk his way into a job as an associate working for successful “closer” attorney Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht), despite being a college dropout who never attended law school (although he has achieved an extremely high score on the LSAT multiple times as an illegal proxy and has passed the New York State Bar Exam). Suits focuses on Harvey and Mike winning lawsuits and closing cases, while at the same time hiding Mike’s secret. It also features Rick Hoffman as Louis Litt, a neurotic, manipulative and unscrupulous financial-law partner; Meghan Markle as the ambitious, talented paralegal Rachel Zane; Sarah Rafferty as Harvey’s legal secretary and confidante Donna Paulsen; and Gina Torres as the firm’s profit-above-all managing partner, Jessica Pearson.

On January 30, 2018, the series was renewed for an eighth season, but Torres, Adams, and Markle left the show. Katherine Heigl joined the cast as Samantha Wheeler. Recurring characters Alex Williams (Dulé Hill) and Katrina Bennett (Amanda Schull) were promoted to series regulars. The show was renewed for a 10-episode ninth and final season on January 23, 2019, which premiered on July 17, 2019.

Throughout its run, Suits was nominated for numerous awards, including individual attention for Torres and Adams. Besides two nominations recognizing her role as a supporting actress, Torres was awarded Outstanding Performance in a Television Series at the 2013 NHMC Impact Awards. Adams was nominated for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series at the 2012 Screen Actors Guild Awards. The show itself was nominated for two People’s Choice Awards. Its success spawned a short-lived spin-off, Pearson, centered on Jessica Pearson’s entry into Chicago politics, which premiered alongside the final season of Suits on July 17, 2019. Suits concluded on September 25, 2019, after nine seasons and 134 episodes. The show received an immense surge in popularity after it was added to Netflix and Peacock in 2023, prompting NBCUniversal to begin development on a new spin-off series, titled Suits: L.A.

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