Keanu Reeves returns as the iconic John Constantine in the highly anticipated sequel, set to release in 2025. Directed by Francis Lawrence and written by Akiva Goldsman, the film dives deeper into the dark, supernatural world established in the original. Inspired by the Hellblazer comics, the story balances eerie horror with sharp humor.The plot centers on Constantine’s struggle to protect his immortal soul as he confronts powerful new supernatural forces. Peter Stormare reprises his role as Lucifer, setting the stage for tense and complex confrontations. As Constantine navigates the challenges of the spirit world, he must grapple with his own demons and a destiny that feels inescapable.
Backed by Warner Bros. and shaped by James Gunn’s creative influence, Constantine 2 promises to deliver an authentic R-rated experience filled with chilling horror, breathtaking action, and emotional depth. This sequel is poised to honor the legacy of the original while bringing fresh excitement to fans of the franchise.