Cardi B and husband Offset take their children to DreamWorks Water Park in New Jersey

Grammy winner Cardi B and her husband of four years – three-time Grammy nominee Offset – took their children to the DreamWorks Water Park within American Dream at the Meadowlands Sports Complex in New Jersey on Monday.

The Bronx-born 29-year-old stayed mostly dry while visiting the 8.5-acre complex, which opened in East Rutherford October 1, covering up her black bathing suit with a green sarong she purchased from the gift shop.

The 30-year-old Georgia native was ever the doting dad, riding down small slides with their daughter Kulture Kiari Cephus, who was wearing a life preserver for safety.

Wet and wild fun! Grammy winner Cardi B and her husband of four years – three-time Grammy nominee Offset – took their children to the DreamWorks Water Park within American Dream at the Meadowlands Sports Complex in New Jersey on Monday

Surprisingly modest! The Bronx-born 29-year-old stayed mostly dry while visiting the 8.5-acre complex, which opened in East Rutherford October 1, covering up her black bathing suit with a green sarong she purchased from the gift shop

Offset (born Kiari Cephus) and Cardi (born Belcalis Almánzar) will celebrate little Kulture’s fourth birthday on July 10.

The Cardi Tries producer-star cackled with laughter each time the daddy-daughter duo rode down the slide and then performed a cute little dance.

The hip-hop power couple co-starred with their adorable girl in the April 15th episode of Nickelodeon animated series Baby Shark.

Cardi and the Migos rapper’s nine-month-old son Wave Set Cephus was not technically pictured at the water park, but he was reportedly there.

Cute: The 30-year-old Georgia native was ever the doting dad, riding down small slides with their daughter Kulture Kiari Cephus, who was wearing a life preserver for safety

Weeks away! Offset (born Kiari Cephus) and Cardi (born Belcalis Almánzar) will celebrate little Kulture’s fourth birthday on July 10

‘Haha!’ The Cardi Tries producer-star cackled with laughter each time the daddy-daughter duo rode down the slide and then performed a cute little dance

VIP guide? The hip-hop power couple co-starred with their adorable girl in the April 15th episode of Nickelodeon animated series Baby Shark

Offset made sure to spend quality time in the Far Far A Bay Wavepool with his other precious princess – seven-year-old daughter Kalea Marie Cephus – from his relationship with Shya L’amour.

The Rocking a Cardigan in Atlanta rapper rode a more advanced slide with his seven-year-old son Kody Cephus and 12-year-old son Jordan Cephus from his relationships with Justine Watson and Oriel Jamie.

But Offset opted to ride Shrek’s Sinkhole Slammer with two guy pals instead of his children.

Cardi was extremely anxious waiting for the Bouncy rapper to careen down Jungle Jammer which, at 142ft high, is the tallest water slide in the United States.

Squeee! Cardi and the Migos rapper’s nine-month-old son Wave Set Cephus was not technically pictured at the water park, but he was reportedly there (pictured June 13)

‘How are you doing, baby?’ Offset made sure to spend quality time in the Far Far A Bay Wavepool with his other precious princess – seven-year-old daughter Kalea Marie Cephus – from his relationship with Shya L’amour

‘What we doing? What we doing?’ The Rocking a Cardigan in Atlanta rapper rode a more advanced slide with his seven-year-old son Kody Cephus and 12-year-old son Jordan Cephus from his relationships with Justine Watson and Oriel Jamie

Fun times: But Offset opted to ride Shrek’s Sinkhole Slammer with two guy pals instead of his children

Offset – who boasts 30.7M social media followers – said: ‘I’m going to go slide down this 142ft slide you dig? Ain’t no ho s***. No ho s***.’

The half-Dominican, half-Trinidadian star – who boasts 229.6M social media followers – exclaimed: ‘Let me try to get a close-up. Go, Offset, go! I’m scared! Aaaah!’

Cardi falsely claimed Jungle Jammer/Thrillagascar was the tallest water slide in the world, but Kilimanjaro at Aldeia das Águas Park Resort in Brazil is the tallest at 164ft.

‘It’s a blessing to be able to have them all [our children] together, and to have a wife who’s open and treats them as if they’re her kids,’ The Hype producer-judge gushed in their Essence cover story in April.

‘Ain’t no ho s***!’ Cardi was extremely anxious waiting for the Bouncy rapper to careen down Jungle Jammer which, at 142ft high, is the tallest water slide in the United States

The half-Dominican, half-Trinidadian star – who boasts 229.6M social media followers – exclaimed: ‘Let me try to get a close-up. Go, Offset, go! I’m scared! Aaaah!’

Terrifying: Cardi falsely claimed Jungle Jammer/Thrillagascar was the tallest water slide in the world, but Kilimanjaro (pictured) at Aldeia das Águas Park Resort in Brazil is the tallest at 164ft

‘It could be an issue, but I don’t have to go through that, and that’s beautiful.’

Offset and the Bet It hitmaker – who met in January 2017 – are still going strong despite separating from December 5, 2018 to January 31, 2019 amid cheating allegations.

Cardi is next scheduled to headline Gopuff Delivers Wireless 2022 festivals happening July 8 at London’s Finsbury Park and July 9 at Birmingham’s The Nec.

And Migos – which also features Quavo and Takeoff – is next scheduled to perform August 19-20 at Finland’s St1 Tampere Marine Ratinanniemi in Tampere.

England bound! The Bet It hitmaker is next scheduled to headline Gopuff Delivers Wireless 2022 festivals happening July 8 at London’s Finsbury Park and July 9 at Birmingham’s The Nec (pictured June 12)

Trap trio: Migos – which also features Quavo and Takeoff – is next scheduled to perform August 19-20 at Finland’s St1 Tampere Marine Ratinanniemi in Tampere (pictured February 18)

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