Beyoncé catches the eye in green patterned trousers and a matching headscarf as she enjoys dinner with Jay-Z in New York

Beyoncé and Jay-Z enjoyed a rare date on Sunday in New York.

The singer, 42, harked back to the seventies with groovy green trousers and a silk headscarf  – all by Pucci – as she headed to the restaurant Lucille with the rapper, 54.

Beyoncé teamed the look with a matching green striped bag and shrugged an oversized blazer over the top of a form fitting black vest top.

She wore her platinum blonde hair in a long plait and accessorised with black sunglasses.

Jay-Z, meanwhile, cut a sporty figure in a blue and black tracksuit and white trainers.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z enjoyed a rare date on Sunday in New York in a full Pucci ensemble

Jay-Z, meanwhile, cut a sporty figure in a blue and black tracksuit. The music producer had spent the evening at his 40/40 club pop-up before enjoying time with his wife

The singer, 42, harked back to the seventies with groovy green trousers and a silk headscarf as she headed to the restaurant Lucille with the rapper, 54

The music producer had spent the evening at his 40/40 club pop-up before enjoying time with his wife.

The superstar couple – who tied the knot in 2008 – had an entourage of security as they made their way into the alfresco restaurant.

It was a busy night for Jay-Z who had attended the reimagining of his 40/40 club.

It comes after reports of his plans to reopen his iconic 40/40 Club in New York City.

It was previously revealed that he had plans to relaunch the historic club at a new location in the Big Apple and wanted to integrate sports gambling into the club at Fanatics Fest.

After he opens a pop-up at Fanatics Fest this weekend, Jay-Z and his team will be working on relaunching the club in a permanent location sometime next year.

The new club, which Jay-Z is in the process of finding a new location for, according to Us Weekly, was previously open for 20 years before its original Manhattan location closed in August 2023.

‘Jay definitely wants to keep it as part of his legacy,’ the vice president of operations at 40/40 Club, Sheldon Robinson, told the outlet.

Robinson also said that the rapper has been ‘very involved’ in the process as they continue to look for the ‘right location.’

She wore her platinum blonde hair in a long plait and accessorised with black sunglasses

It comes after reports of his plans to reopen his iconic 40/40 Club in New York City

Their latest outing comes shortly after the songstress received a whopping 12 nominations for her Cowboy Carter album at the upcoming People’s Choice Country Awards

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Jay-Z looks effortlessly stylish in blue tracksuit at Fanatics Fest

Their latest outing comes shortly after the songstress received a whopping 12 nominations for her Cowboy Carter album at the upcoming People’s Choice Country Awards.

Some of the nods – which were announced earlier this week – include The Song of 2024 and The Female Song of 2024 for Texas Hold ‘Em as well as The Cover Song of 2024 for Jolene.

Beyonce is also nominated for The People’s Artist of 2024, The Female Artist and The Social County Star of 2024. Cowboy Carter garnered a nod for The Album of 2024.

Cowboy Carter was released earlier this year on March 29, and received acclaim after being dropped.

The LP is the star’s eighth studio album, and the second of a trilogy of albums – with Renaissance (2022) being the first.

Cowboy Carter reached number one spots on various music charts, such as the Billboard 200, U.S. Folk Albums and U.S. Top Country Albums.

The singles, Texas Hold ‘Em and 16 Carriages, were also released before the album. Texas Hold ‘Em also landed onto global charts, such as number one on the U.K. Singles and U.S. Billboard Hot 100.

The couple share three children: Blue Ivy, 12, as well as seven-year-old twins, Rumi and Sir.

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