Mr Drew Eyes Collabo With Chris Brown – DailyGuide Network

Ghanaian musician, Mr Drew, has revealed his desire to collaborate with American superstar Chris Brown.

Mr Drew

During an interview with DJ Slim on Hitz FM, Mr. Drew shared his excitement about the possibility of working with the international artist, saying it would create a “crazy” performance.

When asked who he would love to collaborate with, Mr. Drew confidently named Chris Brown, calling him “Breezyyy.” He added, “Imagine Drew and Breezy on stage top – it go be crazy! That would be lovely.”

Mr. Drew also explained that he would prefer to work with Chris Brown in the studio rather than simply sending a song. “I want to create content with him,” he said, emphasizing the importance of working together in person to make the collaboration authentic.

The musician acknowledged that making such a collaboration happen would require financial resources and strong connections. “Chale, that side ebi money, we go reach there, ibi money and connect,” he said, expressing optimism about the future.

Fans have often compared Mr. Drew’s style to Chris Brown’s due to their shared talents in both singing and dancing.

In the meantime, Mr. Drew has released his debut EP, The Loverboy Era, just in time for Valentine’s Day. The EP, filled with soulful tracks, explores the complexities of love, including themes of heartbreak, cheating, and romance.


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