Chris Brown Sues Warner Bros. for $500 Million Over Docuseries

Jan 21, 2025 6:53pm PT

Chris Brown Sues Warner Bros. for $500 Million Over Sexual Assault Allegations in Docuseries

By Jack Dunn

Singer Chris Brown performs during One of Them Ones Tour at PNC Music Pavilion on August 09, 2022 in Charlotte, North Carolina. (Photo by Jeff Hahne/Getty Images)

Singer Chris Brown is suing Warner Bros. for $500 million over sexual assault allegations posed in its Investigation Discovery docuseries “Chris Brown: A History of Violence.”

In the lawsuit obtained by Variety, Brown accuses the producers behind the docuseries, which includes Warner Bros. and Ample, of libel and intentional infliction of emotional distress through defamatory claims made against him in “A History of Violence.” He also alleges that the evidence provided to substantiate their claims is completely false.

“To put it simply, this case is about the media putting their own profits over the truth,” the lawsuit reads. “Since the beginning of October of 2024, Ample LLC and Warner Brothers were put on notice that they were promoting and publishing false information in their pursuit of likes, clicks, downloads and dollars and to the detriment of Chris Brown. Ultimately, on October 27, 2024, they aired ‘Chris Brown: A History of Violence’ (the ‘Documentary’), knowing that it was full of lies and deception and violating basic journalist principles.”

A spokesperson for Investigation Discovery responded to Brown’s accusations, telling Variety, “We stand behind the production and will vigorously defend ourselves against this lawsuit.”

Warner Bros. did not immediately respond to Variety‘s request for comment.

The suit goes on to allege that the claims of “Jane Doe,” used as evidence against Brown in the doc, had been “discredited over and over” again, and that she was “a perpetrator of intimate partner violence and aggressor herself.”

The suit acknowledges that the Grammy winner has made mistakes in the past, which had been “publicly acknowledged and addressed by him in his 2017 documentary, ‘Chris Brown: Welcome To My Life,’” but has since “grown from those experiences, and his evolution speaks for itself.”


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