Beyonce and Jay-Z take a romantic couple’s trip to Las Vegas to celebrate their 13th wedding anniversary

They have been going strong as a couple since the early 2000s.

And Beyonce and Jay-Z proved that they were happy as ever during a recent shared trip to Las Vegas, which commemorated their 13th wedding anniversary.

The Black Is King songstress, 39, shared a series of images to her Instagram account and website on Saturday to give her fans an inside look into the couple’s romantic getaway.

Doing it their way: Beyonce shared a series of photos that had been taken during her and Jay-Z’s anniversary trip to Las Vegas to her Instagram account on Saturday

Proving the photo set was all about being naughty, the Crazy In Love songstress titled the posts: ‘Sin City.’

There was plenty of sparkle to the look, courtesy of flashy sunglasses, a jewel choker, big diamond hoops and shiny buttons.

She tied things together with pointy red velvet heels with bows around the ankles and a mirrored box clutch.

Beyonce’s 51-year-old husband kept it casual as he donned a longsleeve shirt repping late artist Noah Davis’ The Underground Museum in LA.

Hot and heavy: The hitmaker made an allusion to the desert location on her website, as she titled the shots: ‘Sin City’

Sparkle: There was plenty of sparkle to the look, courtesy of flashy sunglasses, a jewel choker, big diamond hoops and shiny buttons

Date night! One of the snaps showed her enjoying some coffee next to her husband, who wore a shirt repping late artist Noah Davis’ The Underground Museum in LA

Jay-Z accessorized with a dark pair of sunglasses, a sizable gold chain and a watch during the couple’s time together.

The star enjoyed some coffee next while the Big Pimpin’ songwriter spent quality time with his wife, whom he married in 2008.

In addition to her sultry solo shots, the Drunk In Love singer shared a photo that showed her climbing a set of steps before entering a private jet.

Bey and Jay have three children: daughter Blue Ivy Carter, nine, and twins Rumi and Sir, three.

Taking off: The songwriter included a shot of herself entering a private jet in one of her Instagram posts

Hot mama: Bey and Jay have three children: daughter Blue Ivy Carter, nine, and twins Rumi and Sir, three

Details: She tied things together with pointy red velvet heels with bows around the ankles and a mirrored box clutch. The Black Is King songstress slipped into a black and red tweed top with matching hot pants that put her legs on full display

The duo are among the biggest names in music, with numerous albums and awards under their belts.

On March 14th, their daughter Blue joined the ranks of her mother as a Grammy winner, when she became the second-youngest person ever to win an award.

Both she and her superstar mother won for the music video for their song Brown Skin Girl.

Following in their footsteps: On March 14th, their daughter Blue joined the ranks of her mother as a Grammy winner, when she became the second-youngest person ever to win an award

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