Chris Brown, Meek Say Inmates Fighting Fires Should Get Reduced Time

Chris Brown and Meek Mill posing together; Brown wearing sunglasses and a cap, Mill in a plaid shirt with gold chains.

Chris Brown and Meek Mill posing together; Brown wearing sunglasses and a cap, Mill in a plaid shirt with gold chains.

Chris Brown believes the inmates fighting the wildfires spreading around Los Angeles should have their sentences reduced.

Earlier this week, Chris Brown shared a message on his Instagram Stories about the firefighters and first responders trying to save the City of Angels from going down in flames. According to Chris Breezy, the city needs to praise those who are helping, especially the prisoners who should have some time chopped off their respective sentences.

“LA…Make sure yall throw a ceremony or parade for these firefighters and first responders after this. Also, the prisoners who were out there risking their lives need time knocked off their sentences. Just saying,” Brown wrote.

Instagram story by Chris Brown, urging LA to honor firefighters, first responders, and prisoners with ceremonies or sentence reductions.

Tweet by Meek Mill endorsing a post about Chris Brown advocating for sentence reductions for prisoners fighting fires.

Over 900 of the 7,500 personnel helping extinguish the country’s most destructive wildfires are inmates at local prisons. The practice of using inmates as firefighters has been a program in the state of California since 1915.

The program grew after World War II when people were sent out to fight and inmates replaced them and were taught about fighting fires at conservation camps. Today, there are 35 conservation camps in California, and according to the state’s Department of Corrections, inmates in the program voluntarily join and receive between $5.80 and $10.24 per day, with a chance to make additional pay during emergencies.


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