Rick Ross And Justice Williams Split After Two Months, Says Her “30 Minutes Is Up”

Rick Ross is officially single again as he and cosmetics owner Justice Williams have split.

The breakup comes less than two months after the pair went public with their romance—and just days after Williams claimed she and Rozay were going strong.

In a TikTok video posted on Monday (Dec. 16), the 27-year-old danced in a robe as text overlay read: “When your 30 minutes up.” As fans questioned what happened, she simply responded: “I broke up with him.” She also scrubbed her socials clean of the Biggest Bawse, declaring, “Gotta start fresh. It’s almost a new year.”

Ironically, two days earlier, Williams dismissed any breakup rumors during an Instagram Live, asserting: “I never said that anyone broke up. I’m still very much happily in my relationship.”

Ross has yet to address the status of their relationship, but instead has been binge-promoting his Belaire champagne on his Instagram Stories.

The two debuted their relationship back in October, with the rapper showering her in diamonds, taking her to the zoo, and whisking her away on a romantic getaway to Dubai.

However, their love story was short-lived, proving many naysayers right.

Williams previously clapped back at trolls who doubted her longevity with the rap mogul. She joked that she’d outlast the critics’ 90-day predictions and even requested they “buy her electronics” if she did.

Rick Ross’ ex, Tia Kemp, is amongst those proven right, as she predicted the breakup weeks ago. In November, the Aunt Tea podcast host claimed Ross and Williams wouldn’t last until Christmas, quipping: “He got too many children he gotta f**king support for Christmas. The bi**h ain’t going to get nothing.”

Kemp also called out the 20-year age gap between the couple—dubbing Ross a “diddler,” a direct shot at Diddy’s ongoing allegations.

“You see the big age f**king gap? That bi**h is a Diddler,” she said. “He doing every f**king thing to cover his a** right now. He trying to make the blogs and all that sh*t right now with a muthafu**kin lil girl. I’ll give that bi**h something to go viral for.”

It seems the prediction rang true, as Ross and Williams’ brief romance fizzled out just before the holiday.

Take a look at Williams breaking the news above.

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