In The Princess Diaries, reluctant princess Mia Thermopolis — memorably portrayed by Anne Hathaway in her first major film role — attempts to hide her recent royal makeover under a grey bucket hat. When The Apprentice actor Jeremy Strong wore similar headgear to the Golden Globes, the actress, 42, couldn’t help but make a visual reference on her Facebook page.
On Monday, January 6, the Devil Wears Prada star shared a side-by-side image of a screengrab from the film and a picture of Strong, 46, in a green cap. “Sweetheart, I’m not mad you borrowed it,” she wrote, “but I didn’t totally realize you were going to change the col… anyway, not important, congrats on your well deserved nom for The Apprentice!!!”
Notably, Hathaway and Strong co-starred in the 2022 film Armageddon Time, so they presumably know each other quite well.
With a reference to such a beloved film, Hathaway’s post quickly drew likes and comments from her fans.
“Princess of Genovia praising the eldest boy great to see,” wrote one follower, referencing one of Strong’s most famous lines from Succession.
Another fan felt that “Mia Thermopolis” was unfairly maligned in Princess Diaries for the chapeau, writing, “I love little loop back jokes like that. She honestly didn’t look that bad with that before she was told to take it off.”
Another fan approved of the look, writing, “If you can work it, you can wear it. This style is big in the archery community.”
Strong previously won a Golden Globe and an Emmy for playing Kendall Roy on the prestigious HBO drama, while Hathaway won a Globe and an Oscar for her 2013 performance as Fantine in Les Miserables. Strong’s portrayal of Roy Cohn in the Donald Trump biopic The Apprentice earned him critical acclaim, though ultimately the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in a Feature Film went to Strong’s Succession co-star, Kieran Culkin, for A Real Pain.