EXCLUSIVE – The Rick Ross 911 call: Rapper ‘breathing hard and throwing up’, his panicked friend tells emergency services

Rick Ross was ‘breathing heavily and throwing up’, when officials were called to his Florida home before his hospitalization last week, a recording of a 911 call has revealed.

Ross, 42, returned home on Monday after reportedly being put on life support during the four-day hospitalization for a suspected heart attack.

Emergency responders were called to the rapper’s Davie, Florida, home at 3.30am last Thursday by someone who said a person in distress was ‘not breathing right’.

‘I have a friend of mine, at his house, he’s breathing hard and throwing up. I need an ambulance here ASAP,’ a friend told emergency responders in a 911 call obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com.

‘I know he’s had seizures before. He took his medicine earlier, but he’s not breathing right,’ he said in the call, naming the distressed man as William Roberts, Rick Ross’s real name.

Back home: Rick Ross has returned home after he was hospitalized and placed on life support earlier this week, according to a new report (pictured January 2018 in New York)

Ross’s friend, whose name is withheld in the call, struggled to find the rapper’s address as he spoke to emergency services.

The panicked man looked around for mail inside the home before heading outside to find the street name and house number.

The caller said that Ross was had a history of seizures and that when he tried to wake the rapper, he was ‘slobbing out the mouth’.

‘I just happened to get up and go up and check,’ the friend told emergency responders. ‘Our friend… was kind of breathing hard.’

When asked if Ross was awake, the friend said: ‘He’s in and out.’

He added: ‘He has cold sweats and is breathing real hard. He’s been shaking real bad.’

Later in the conversation, the man said Ross had been vomiting, and ‘when it came up it looked a little like blood’.

The rapper, 42, is currently receiving care at his home after leaving the hospital very early Monday morning (pictured February 2018)

The man told emergency responders that Ross had been ill for about 20 minutes when he called 911.

Halfway through the call, the man tells emergency services that Ross ‘boo-bood’ on himself and was nodding his head.

He said that Ross had no no idea what happened, and that he was hot and thirsty.

The Davie Police Department also released a second 911 call from a friend who was on his way to Ross’s house.

‘I have a friend who’s kind of not responding right now,’ the man said at the start of the call.

He said was about a ten-minute drive away from the home, but said a friend called him from the house to say Ross was ‘unresponsive and breathing heavily’.

In his call, he gives emergency responders information for someone inside the home.

Ross was being treated in the Memorial Regional Hospital’s cardiac unit, in Hollywood Florida, after emergency responders took him from his home last week.

Ross was being treated in the hospital’s cardiac unit, and it is suspected the star suffered a heart attack which manifested itself in respiratory issues (pictured December 2017)

Ross is postponing his daughter’s sweet 16th birthday, which was supposed to happen on March 17, following his hospitalization

It is suspected the star suffered a heart attack, which manifested itself in respiratory issues.

The Aston Martin Music rapper was ‘hooked up to a machine that’s taking over the function of his heart and lungs’ while undergoing treatment at the hospital.

Insiders said that Ross was placed on ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, which is a technique used to oxygenate his blood outside of his body, before it’s pumped back into his body.

A dispatch report of the incident from Davie Police Department said Ross became ‘combative’ when officers attended the scene and it added that he ‘Boo-Bood on himself’.

Another insider told TMZ that the hip hop star was reportedly asked to make an appearance Thursday night, but a rep told him the mogul was in the hospital.

His eldest daughter Toie Roberts took to Instagram Friday posting a picture with her dad captioned ‘you the best daddy ever’ and ‘my mainman. Love him so much’.

However hip-hop artist Fat Trel denied his friend was on life support saying he was in hospital.

Ross shared a photo of himself from the back on Instagram Thursday morning. He captioned the image: ‘Ain’t nothing like home. I love y’all’

‘Florida boy’: Ross’s Instagram account has been updated since the hospitalization, and on Monday the rapper posted a photo of his glittering gold watch

Trel took to Instagram posting a photo of Ross and writing that he talked to him on the phone: ‘HE IN DA HOSPITAL BUT HE IS NOT ON ‘LIFE SUPPORT’…HE GOOD.’

Ross’s family previously denied reports that the musician is on life support and in the hospital.

The rapper’s Instagram account was updated over the duration of his reported hospitalization, and on Sunday the rapper posted a new photo of his glittering gold watch.

‘#FloridaBoy,’ the image was captioned.

He also promoted his upcoming episode of UNCNSRD on his Instagram stories Sunday.

It was revealed on Tuesday that Ross was delaying his daughter’s Sweet 16 following his hospitalization.

Sources close to the 42-year-old hip hop star said that the $100,000 party for his daughter Toie was meant to be held on March 17 at Casa Casuarina, formerly the Versace Mansion.

But now the Purple Lamborghini hitmaker’s family have decided to postpone the party after the rapper’s health scare.

Ross has a history of medical issues and suffered two seizures on two separate flights in October 2011.

After initially blaming lack of sleep Ross changed his lifestyle and diet, and slimmed down, dropping up to 100lb.

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