Rick Ross Attacked After Vancouver Show

7:03 AM PT — Rick Ross doesn’t seem pressed about last night’s activities … he tells TMZ that “Vancouver is a beautiful city and he can’t wait to go back.”

He also claims no one on his team suffered any serious injuries after the brawl … all is fair in the 2024 Rap Wars???

Rick RockedTMZ.com

Rick Ross had a rough night at his show in Canada … getting into a physical altercation with some guy and triggering a melee that was captured on film.

It all started after the rapper performed at Sunday’s Ignite Music Festival in Vancouver. After the gig around 10:30 PM, Rick stepped offstage into a crowded area and got into a heated argument with other men over their choosing to close out the set with Kendrick Lamar‘s “Not Like Us” track blaring in the background.

We’re told the group of about 15 dudes approached Rick and formed a human wall so he and his crew couldn’t move around them.

TMZ obtained video showing the verbal confrontation between the two parties with Rick having a tense exchange with one of the men. It soon escalated into violence.

Check out the clip … the dude arguing with Rick suddenly slugs him in the area around his head, causing liquid from his drink to fly into the air. From our vantage point, it’s hard to tell if Rick was punched square in the face.

Chaos erupted as the two groups got into a brawl, leading to several men brutally kicking another guy and beating him with their fists.

Our sources say the fight eventually broke up and everyone went their separate ways.

It’s unclear what sparked the attack or if anyone was injured or arrested. We’ve reached out to the authorities for an update.

As for Rick, we’re not sure what happened to him either. We contacted his rep, who did not have a comment.

Rick Ross Through the YearsLaunch GalleryGetty

However, Drake, AKA “champagnepapi,” offered his two cents, liking a social media post on X about Rick’s assault.

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