PAIGE SPIRANAC showed off to her fans as she displayed her putting skills at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club.

The ex-pro golfer is in Australia and decided to take in a round at the luxury golf club, where annual charges are around £1,850.

6Paige Spiranac advertised her OnlyPaige site while down underCredit: Instagram / @paige.renee6She teased with her outfit choice6Paige played a round at the Royal Melbourne Golf ClubCredit: Instagram / @paige.renee6The ex-golfer often shares tips on how to get betterCredit: Twitter / @PaigeSpiranac

Spiranac, 30, decided to use her trip to share a few golf tips with her followers, and teased with her outfit choice.

The influencer also filmed some videos for her exclusive OnlyPaige site – a website which offers a variety of content including golf tutorials and “VIP access to 100+ pieces of content”.

In one clip Spiranac showed off her putting ability before displaying her cleavage and a cheeky grin.

She created a vlog of her round at Royal Melbourne and shared it on OnlyPaige alongside a behind-the-scenes album and videos on fitness and golf course management.

The American encouraged her 3.7million Instagram followers to check out her site, which costs £80 a year or £8 per month.

She also teased some of her other recent content including advice on gripping and putting, as well as a Q&A.

Spiranac recently used a Q&A to reveal her name is often pronounced incorrectly.

She said: “So my full name is Paige Renee Spi-ran-ick.

“Most people say Spi-ran-ak and I have just stopped correcting people because everyone says it that way.

“But it’s Spi-ran-ick and Renee is my middle name.”

6Paige told fans to check out OnlyPaige for Q&As and golf contentCredit: Instagram / @paige.renee6The influencer boasts 3.7million Instagram followers

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