Cardi B proves herself to be every inch the cool mum as she joins husband Offset in taking a wild night off parenting duty for 26th birthday bash

They welcomed their daughter Kulture Kiari Cephu three months ago.

And Cardi B proved her romance with husband Offset was still going strong when celebrating her 26th birthday on Thursday in Los Angeles.

The singer took a wild night off from her parenting duties and showed herself to be every inch the cool mum when grinding against her beau.

Loved up: Cardi B proved her romance with husband Offset was still going strong during her 26th birthday celebrations on Thursday in Los Angeles

Poking her tongue out, the cheeky star sexily gyrated on her husband as she displayed her elaborate tattoo in her double split leopard print skirt.

Leaving little to the imagination, the soaring split gave onlookers a good look at Cardi’s enviably-lean legs which she paraded in her golden heels.

The I Like It hitmaker showcased her toned figure with a matching crop top, putting her ample assets on display.

Birthday beat! Cardi displayed her thong in double split leopard print skirt as she provocatively gyrated on husband Offset

Leggy lady: Leaving little to the imagination, the soaring split gave onlookers a good look at Cardi’s lengthy legs which she paraded in her golden heels

Pulling out all the stops for her birthday, the redhead wore a unique headpiece with a leopard print veil to match her fierce ensemble.

The celebrity couple looked loved up as they shared a kiss and a cuddle in the middle of the busy dance floor.

Meanwhile, the American rapper shared the intimate details of her birthday plans with her 34.4 million followers on Instagram.

Good together: The celebrity couple looked loved up as they shared a kiss and a cuddle in the middle of the busy dance floor

All in the details: Cardi accentuated her slim waist with the golden metallic belt which held the skimpy skirt together while she got her groove on

Gal pals: Cardi celebrated her birthday alongside friends, including fellow rapper Saweetie

In a bold statement, the singer claimed she wanted her rapper love to have sex with her in 30 different positions.

She said: ‘I want my husband to f**k me 30 different positions, I want that n***a to flex me like a New York pretzel.’

The ultra popular musician also gushed to her adoring fans about how happy she was during the video.

Style: Pulling out all the stops for her birthday, the redhead wore a unique headpiece with a leopard print veil to match her fierce ensemble

Earlier: Posting a video to her Instagram, the singer claimed she wanted her rapper love to have sex with her in 30 different positions

‘I wanna say thank you everybody for wishing me a happy birthday,’ she yelled into the camera.

‘I’m dumb happy I am 26-years-old. I have everything I ever wanted and I’m so thankful and I am so grateful.’

‘Thank you Jesus and thank you everybody for all the love, ya heard,’ she said.

Hot stuff! The I Like It hitmaker showcased her toned figure with a fierce crop top, putting her ample assets on display

Look of love! The loved up pair welcomed their daughter Kulture Kiari Cephu three months ago

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