Rick Ross was just attacked after his concert in Vancouver. Here’s what we know so far

The Boss had a tough day at the office on Sunday.

Rick Ross got into an altercation that turned physical after his set at the Ignite Music Festival in Vancouver.

In bystander videos shared to social media, an individual is seen up in the Miami rap icon’s face as a large crowd surrounds them. After the brief, tense standoff, a large brawl erupts.

TMZ reports the fight broke out over the choice of music. Some folks apparently weren’t happy that Ross closed his set blasting Kendrick Lamar’s most recent Drake diss track, “Not Like Us,” in whichLamar implies his nemesis is a pedophile, among other things.

Lyrics include: “Hey, Drake, I heard you like ’em young. You better not go to cell block one. To any b—h that talk to him and they in love, just make sure you hide your little sister from him.”

Champagne Papi soon responded with his own salvo, “The Heart Part 6” (e.g., “Drake is not a name that you gonna see on no sex offender list. If I was f—ing young girls, I promise I’d have been arrested.”)

Though Drake, who is from Toronto, was not in the house, his local fans known as the “BC Demons” had the hip hopper’s back.

Ross didn’t comment on the matter, but seems unhurt and unbothered, partying and promoting, per usual. On his Instagram stories, the 48-year-old local legend poses by his massive private jet, writing: “Vancouver, it was fun, until next time.”

As for Drake, he did comment, sort of. XXL magazine notes that the “God’s Plan” singer liked entertainment blog keep6ixsolid’s post about Sunday’s international incident on Instagram.

“S/O Vancouver for chin checking the double chin,” said the caption accompanying a clip of the violence.

Keep6ixsolid’s post adds that Monday happens to be Canada Day, a federal holiday celebrating the country’s independence.

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