Chris Brown Co-Signs Controversial Theory About L.A. Wildfire Arson

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – DECEMBER 14: Singer Chris Brown performs at FNB stadium on December 14, 2024, in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Photo by Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images)

Chris Brown Performs At FNB Stadium

Wildfires are decimating Los Angeles this week. Thousands have lost their homes, and even more have been forced to evacuate the area. Chris Brown is not one of the celebrities who sustained damage to L.A. properties as a result of the fires. That said, the singer took to social media on January 9 to weigh in on the situation. Chris Brown didn’t send prayers to those affected. Instead, the singer decided to theorize that some of the fires that have spread have been man made.

Chris Brown hopped on Instagram Thursday morning to share this theory. He didn’t beat around the bush, either; he flat out stated that he believes an arsonist is responsible. “Someone starting these fires,” he wrote over a black background. “Sh*t don’t add up.” The comments underneath Chris Brown’s post varied greatly. Some felt the singer was spreading misinformation and distracting from the very serious damage being caused by the wildfires. “Conspiracy theorist never have any evidence,” one skeptical fan wrote. “Just ‘sum don’t add up.’

Others felt Chris Brown was putting forth a plausible theory. “There is too much money in California,” another user posited. “For them to not have figured out how to control wildfires at this point..” Brown is not the only celebrity who has publicly doubted the origin of the Los Angeles fires. Henry Winkler, the legendary television actor, did just that on January 8. “THERE IS an ARSONIST here in LA,” he wrote on Twitter. “May you be beaten you unrecognizable!!! The pain you have caused !!!.” Actors Josh Gad and Yvette Nicole Brown expressed similar sentiments on Threads.

An official for the Los Angeles Fire Department shot down Chris Brown and other celebrities’ theory, however. They told TMZ that it is too early to determine the cause of the fires. “There’s no way to know at this moment exactly where and how the series of fires started,” they explained. The official did confirm that an investigation into the cause of said fires is underway. In the meantime, former Brown collaborator Jhene Aiko will have to rebuild her Los Angeles home.

Read More: Chris Brown Shows Love To Kendrick Lamar’s New Album “GNX”

Chris Brown claimed “Someone” was starting L.A. fires

Chris Brown's Instagram post about the wildfires


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