For Farm Tour stop in Clovis, country star Luke Bryan seeks assist from local grower – The Business Journal

Country music star Luke Bryan will be coming to the Central Valley this spring as part of his 2025 Farm Tour.

Clovis will be the second stop on his three-stop swing through California. He will be performing in Clovis on May 16 at The Ponds at Harlan Ranch.

His other two stops will be in Atwater at The Castle Airport on May 15 and in Shafter at Sillect Farms on May 17.

It will be the 16th year of Bryan’s Farm Tour, with more than 100,000 fans attending the tour each year since it began in 2009. The effort is meant to give back to farmers, and has awarded 84 college scholarships to students from farming families.

Pharmaceutical company Bayer joined the tour in 2015 and is once again presenting sponsor.

Poppell Farms corn maze in honor of Luke Bryan's Farm Tour appearance

With more than 24 billion global streams of his music, Bryan has previously performed at venues such as the Save Mart Center. According to Ryan Jacobsen, fourth generation farmer and CEO of the Fresno County Farm Bureau, this is the first time the Farm Tour will be coming to California.

Jacobsen helped bring the “Country Girl (Shake It For Me)” and “Knockin’ Boots” singer to Clovis by finding a suitable farm for Bryan to perform at.

He gave two reasons why The Ponds at Harlan Ranch was chosen as the location: it is on an active farm and is in close proximity to many people.

“I’m super excited to bring Luke here,” Jacobsen said. “Most importantly, the exciting part of it is the farm aspect. He’s done several of these on the East Coast and in the Midwest, where he actually has the concerts on the farm. And this is the first time in California. We’re excited to have him here in the Valley for three different concerts.”

Tickets will go on sale at a later date.

Luke Bryan smiling on an ATV


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