Luke Bryan’s New Album Brings Him To A Disappointing New Low

Luke Bryan’s new album brings him to a disappointing new low on the Billboard 200.

Luke Bryan performs onstage during the 55th Academy of Country Music Awards

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE – SEPTEMBER 14: Luke Bryan performs onstage during the 55th Academy of Country Music Awards at the Grand Ole Opry on September 14, 2020 in Nashville, Tennessee. The ACM Awards airs on September 16, 2020 with some live and some prerecorded segments. Luke Bryan’s new album Mind of a Country Boy brings him to a new low on the Billboard 200, as it’s his first full-length to fail to crack the top 50 on the chart.

Luke Bryan has ranked among the most popular and successful artists in the country genre for well over a decade now. He reached new levels of fame within the last few years thanks to his stint as a judge on American Idol. Despite his sizable fanbase and his recent appearances on TV, the singer-songwriter’s latest collection seriously disappoints as it arrives on the Billboard charts.

Mind of a Country Boy starts its time on the Billboard 200 very low. The full-length launches on the most important and competitive albums chart in the U.S. at No. 51, which is surely not a position that Bryan was hoping for.

In its first tracking week of availability, Mind of a Country Boy moved just 15,700 equivalent units, according to Luminate. About half of those units are actual purchases.

This new album marks a new career low point on the Billboard 200 for Bryan. None of his full-lengths have peaked so far down on the tally before.

His recent EP, which shares its name with his just-released project, does still stand as Bryan’s worst-performing effort ever on the Billboard 200. That short project only made it as high as No. 158, a position it reached this June.

Only one of Bryan’s albums had previously failed to enter the top 10 on the Billboard 200—though now that number has doubled. His debut full-length, I’ll Stay Me, debuted and peaked at No. 24 back in 2007.

Mind of a Country Boy also manages to appear on two other Billboard charts as it arrives. The set performs best on the Top Album Sales list, as it enters at No. 6. Shockingly, the title doesn’t even crack the highest tier on the Top Country Albums ranking, where it starts its time at No. 11.


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