Paige Spiranac leaves everyone open-mouthed with a daring Farrah Fawcett look: ‘Up close and personal’

Paige Spiranac isn’t slowing down for the holidays after she recently shared a dazzling new look with her fans.

The 31-year-old has become a household name in the golf world in recent years. This happened after she initially tried her luck as a pro golfer and competing as an LPGA qualifier in August 2016

Fans love Paige’s new look

It didn’t take long for the post to go viral, with fans letting Paige know they were a fan of the look.

Thank you for watching

“Having a great hair day,” one follower stated, with another one adding: “You’re incredible.”

Another fan wrote: “Gorgeous.”

The post came just days after Spiranac delighted fans with a Christmas-themed outfit. The post was done to promote her Passes account, which she noted isn’t going away anytime soon..

“I see a lot of people trying to put me down because of my Passes account. Most media platforms use a subscription based model. All creators should have a subscription site and most do whether that’s on X, IG, Passes or other sites,” Spiranac said.

“It’s a way to freely be creative, connect with your community, and have a revenue stream outside of the core platforms or constantly doing ads. It’s a smart business move.

“On Passes I create fun content but also have informative videos to help your game! It’s been one of my favorite places to create content.”

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