5 Things You Didn’t Know About Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian’s Relationship

Find out five surprising facts about Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s relationship that you might have missed.

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker have a relationship that has grabbed a lot of attention. They got engaged in October 2021, less than a year after they started dating. Since then, their love story has fascinated fans with its passionate and public nature.

As one of Hollywood’s most talked-about couples, Kardashian and Barker’s romance has been full of memorable moments, from grand gestures to emotional challenges. While they’ve shared much of their journey openly, there are five intriguing aspects of their relationship that fans may not know.

1. Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker Have Been Friends Way Before They Started Dating

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s relationship may have surprised fans, but the two had known each other for years before they started dating. Living in the same gated community in Calabasas, California, they often crossed paths and built a strong friendship.

Their connection was evident long before they became a couple, as they were seen spending time together on several occasions. In 2018, they were spotted having dinner and attending church services. Barker even appeared on Keeping Up With the Kardashians during his previous marriage, giving fans a glimpse of their early bond.

By January 2021, their friendship had blossomed into something more, with the couple spending time together at Kris Jenner’s Palm Springs home. This marked the beginning of their whirlwind romance, which quickly became a major topic of interest among fans and the media.

2. Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker have a Family of Nine

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker have a big, blended family with seven children between them. Before they became a couple, both lived in neighboring homes in Calabasas, California, where their kids grew up as neighbors. Over time, those neighboring bonds turned into sibling connections as Kardashian and Barker’s relationship evolved.

The couple welcomed their first child together, a son named Rocky, last fall. His name is especially meaningful as he is the 13th grandchild in the Kardashian-Jenner family.

From previous relationships, Kardashian has three children with her ex-partner Scott Disick, Mason, her oldest at 14 years old, Penelope, her only daughter, who is 11, and Reign, her youngest son, who is 9.

Travis also has three children from his previous marriage to Shanna Moakler. Atiana, 25, is Shanna’s daughter with Oscar De La Hoya, whom Travis has raised as his own. His son Landon, 20, is known for his music and fashion pursuits, while Alabama, 18, is a social media star with a huge following.

3. Kourtney Kardashian’s Struggle With IVF & Infertility

Kourtney Kardashian faced many challenges while trying to have a baby with Travis Barker. She went through five rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and three egg retrieval procedures, but none of them were successful. After a year of trying, Kardashian decided to stop the treatments, focusing instead on her overall health and well-being. According to BBC, she said,

In February 2023, Kardashian shared the joyful news that she had conceived naturally, about a year after stepping away from IVF. However, her pregnancy journey was not without complications. She had to undergo an urgent fetal surgery to address a serious issue. During this time, Barker dropped everything, including his music gigs in the UK and Ireland, to be by her side in Los Angeles.

Kardashian later expressed deep gratitude for the medical team that helped her and her baby through this critical period.

4. Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker Got Married to Each Other More Than Once

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker didn’t just have one wedding, they tied the knot multiple times, making their union a grand celebration of love.

Their first wedding took place in Las Vegas right after their appearance at the 2022 Grammys. This was a fun and spontaneous event at the One Love Wedding Chapel, but it wasn’t legally binding as they didn’t have a marriage license.

To make things official, Kardashian and Barker had a legal ceremony on May 15, 2022, in Santa Barbara, California. This intimate occasion was attended by a small group of close family and friends.

A week later, the couple hosted a grand wedding celebration in Portofino, Italy. Surrounded by red roses and loved ones, including their blended family of six children, they exchanged vows in a picturesque setting. The Italian wedding spanned several days, starting with a dinner party at a charming local restaurant. Guests were treated to a special lunch at the historic Abbey of San Fruttuoso, followed by an evening of dinner and dancing at Villa San Bartolomeo, part of a luxurious Dolce & Gabbana estate.

5. Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker Lived Separately Even After Their Marriage

Even after getting married, Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker continued living in separate homes for some time. They lived just a block apart, which made it easy for them to spend time together while maintaining their own spaces.

The couple took their time to decide on the best arrangement for their blended family. Their priority was to ensure that all their children felt comfortable and secure in their familiar environments. Balancing the needs of their kids was an important step for Kardashian and Barker as they figured out how to bring their families together.

Eventually, they decided the time was right and merged their households this year, creating a home where everyone could feel welcome and connected.


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