In a candid new interview, Jennifer Lopez opened up about her emotional journey following her recent split from actor Ben Affleck. Speaking to Interview magazine, the 55-year-old singer and actress described her feelings of loneliness, sadness, and desperation in the aftermath of the breakup. Lopez shared that she felt as if her entire world had “exploded,” marking a significant turning point in her life.
Reflecting on her past, Lopez acknowledged that while she used to define her happiness through her romantic relationships, she has now reached a place of self-acceptance. “I used to say I’m a happy person but was still looking for something for somebody else to fill,” she admitted. “But it’s just like, no, I’m actually good. I’m not looking for anybody.” This newfound perspective highlights her commitment to personal growth and self-reliance.
Lopez emphasized the importance of introspection, encouraging others to look inward rather than place blame on external circumstances. “Never stop looking inward because it’s so easy to blame everybody else,” she noted. Despite the challenges she faces, Lopez remains optimistic about her ability to find joy and happiness independently. “These things are not going to kill me. It’s like actually I am capable of joy and happiness all by myself,” she stated.
The singer also reflected on her upbringing, revealing that her mother instilled in her the value of independence. “My mom was always about not depending on a man,” Lopez recalled, underlining a crucial lesson that has shaped her approach to relationships and self-worth.
As she navigates this transformative period in her life, Lopez’s journey serves as a reminder that personal fulfillment can be achieved outside the boundaries of romantic partnerships. Her honesty about her struggles resonates with many, particularly in a society that often equates self-worth with relationship status. With a renewed focus on self-discovery and resilience, Lopez is poised to embrace the future on her own terms.