Cardi B has voiced her disapproval of Brian Sacks, the stepson of missing billionaire Hamish Harding, after he attended a Blink-182 concert while search efforts continued for his stepfather and four other crew members aboard the missing Titanic submersible. In a candid Instagram story shared on June 20, Cardi expressed her disbelief that Sacks, who comes from immense wealth, could so easily disregard the gravity of the situation.
“Isn’t it sad that you a whole billionaire and nobody gives a [expletive] about you?” Cardi questioned, amplifying her point by stating that Sacks should have remained home, distressed and waiting for updates. “Yes, you’re supposed to be at the house sad. You’re supposed to be crying for me,” she insisted, emphasizing the expectation of familial loyalty in times of crisis.
The controversy erupted after Brian Sacks shared a photo from the Blink-182 concert, admitting in his now-deleted Facebook post that he felt attending was “distasteful,” yet claimed his family would want him to be there since music has been a source of comfort during difficult times. He tweeted his appreciation to the band, stating, “My stepdad Hamish is on the submarine lost at sea. I’m devastated but coming to the San Diego show tonight so you guys can give me hope and cheer me up.”
Despite facing significant backlash online for his choice to attend a concert while his stepfather remains missing, Sacks defended himself further, asserting, “Yes, I went to Blink-182 last night. What am I supposed to do, sit at home and watch the news? Not sorry.” He added that his mother had requested he delete any posts related to the incident.
The submersible, which was carrying Hamish Harding, CEO Stockton Rush, French explorer Paul-Henry Nargeolet, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, and his 19-year-old son Suleman, vanished on June 19 during a mission to explore the wreckage of the RMS Titanic, located over 350 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. The ongoing search for the vessel has drawn international attention, highlighting the risks involved in deep-sea exploration.
Cardi B’s comments reflect broader discussions about the responsibilities of family members during crises, particularly those involving public figures. Her strong stance resonates with many who believe that wealth should not overshadow familial bonds and emotional support during harrowing times. As the search continues, the situation remains a poignant reminder of the fragility of life, regardless of financial status.