Ben Affleck looks weary trying on Dunkin Donuts jersey, a year after ‘cringe’ Super Bowl ad with JLo

Ben Affleck was recently spotted in Los Angeles trying on a Dunkin’ Donuts jersey, a nod to his participation in a much-discussed Super Bowl ad from the previous year featuring his then-wife Jennifer Lopez. On Wednesday, the actor appeared visibly weary as he donned the distinctive orange jersey while exiting a parking lot, clutching a Dunkin’ iced coffee in one hand and the jersey carefully tucked in a garment bag.

Affleck’s latest sartorial choice comes a year after he and Lopez, alongside celebrities Matt Damon and Tom Brady, starred in a Super Bowl commercial that featured a nearly identical track suit. In the ad, Affleck formed the fictional band “The Dun Kings,” showcasing a humorous take on their musical aspirations. The commercial was met with mixed reactions from viewers; while some praised it as a highlight of the evening, others found it cringeworthy. Despite the divided opinions, the track suit quickly sold out on Dunkin’s website following the ad’s airing.

During the Super Bowl spot, Affleck was seen enthusiastically engaging in a recording session alongside Lopez, who humorously reprimanded him after a performance. Brady played keyboards, while Damon appeared less than thrilled to be part of the group. This lighthearted moment captured the attention of many fans, leading to a variety of reactions on social media.

As the anticipation builds for the next Super Bowl in 2025, questions remain about whether Dunkin’ Donuts will return with another commercial. Jillian Nelson, the company’s Chief Marketing Officer, teased fans in a recent conversation with the Boston Globe, stating, “You’re going to have to stay tuned.”

Affleck’s latest sighting, marked by his apparent exhaustion, raises eyebrows about the actor’s busy schedule and public engagements. His dedication to Dunkin’ Donuts continues to be evident, as he remains a well-known supporter of the brand, seamlessly blending his personal choices with his professional life.

As the story unfolds, fans will be eagerly watching to see what comes next for Affleck, Lopez, and Dunkin’ Donuts, particularly in light of their past collaborations that sparked both excitement and controversy.

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