“Dillon Brooks Snubs Anthony Edwards in a Disrespectful Walk-by During Interview”

Dillon Brooks hasn’t changed his approach at all. After Team USA’s win over Canada, Anthony Edwards was giving an interview. Brooks would interrupt this interview, choosing to walk past Anthony Edwards. Edwards had a hilariously characteristic response to Brooks’ disrespectful move.

This is not the first time Dillon Brooks has done this. Recently, Brooks pulled the same move on Team USA’s Devin Booker, interrupting his media interview as well. Brooks has taken it upon himself to play the role of instigator and villain whenever he faces off against any team.

Fly from Jeju to Singapore – Explore the World & Save Money – Trip.com Official Sitewww.trip.com/Flight-Deals/CJU-SINFly from Jeju to Singapore – Explore the World & Save Money – Trip.com Official SiteAdBrooks also got caught trying to physically injure Stephen Curry and LeBron James during Canada’s game against Team USA this week. Brooks showed that he doesn’t care about his reputation and will take any underhanded measures to help his team get a win.Brooks and Canada actually have a strong roster heading into the Olympics this year. The runner-ups of the FIBA World Cup will look to upset the favorites Team USA and snag the gold medal at the Olympics. But they will also be realistic about their chances, and try to fight for a podium finish at least.

Brooks registered 10 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists, and 1 steal for Canada in their 86-72 loss against Team USA. He and Canada will need to regroup after their loss and change their game plan heading into the Paris Olympics.

Dillon Brooks Claimed Team USA Needs To Play DefenseDillon Brooks spoke recently about the stacked superteam Team USA has put together for the Paris Olympics in 2024. He claimed that they can have as strong a roster as they want, but at the end of the day, Team USA and their players have to be willing to put in the world and play defense.

Brooks would end up eating humble pie once again, as Canada would take the loss against Team USA. Brooks has insisted on being a vocal figure in basketball, but almost never seems to learn his lesson when he ends up on the losing side. While he is a good role player for both Canada and the Rockets, his antics always end up being a talking point.

The Canadian team will need to play some of their best basketball this summer. They will be looking to avenge their loss in the FIBA World Cup final last year, and try and find success at this year’s Olympic games. If their strong roster can stay dialed in for the tournament, they have a strong chance to win it all.

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